We want to be more! The research institute Swerim conducts needs-based industrial research and development concerning metals and their route from raw material to finished product. Swerim has 200 co-workers in two locations in Sweden - Luleå and Stockholm. Our vision is a fossil-free and circular industry.
Master thesis: Machine learning models to predict cracking during continuous casting
1 Place
A challenge in the production of advanced steel grades is their sensitivity to cracking during the continuous casting process. To ensure good quality of the product, the produced slabs or blooms need to be inspected, and if necessary conditioned, or in worst case scrapped. Improving the quality and enabling early detection of deviations in process conditions which causes causing cracks can save energy, time, and resources by adjusting and tuning the process conditions.
In the SMART-CAST II project, Swerim are working together with steel companies and measurement instrument suppliers. The target is to use advanced measurement techniques and artificial intelligence to understand the relation between process conditions, mould temperatures, and steel quality.
There is an opportunity for a master thesis project within the SMART-CAST II project, in applying machine learning on data collected from the continuous casting at a Swedish steel producer. The student will work together with the researchers at Swerim and with the industrial partners to create machine learning models for predicting the quality of cast products based on process parameters and temperature maps of the casting mould.
Required qualifications
The project requires knowledge of and interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning, and ability to do programming in Python. Suitable specializations could be artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, engineering mathematics, etcetera. Knowledge or experience of metallurgy is useful but not required – Swerim and the industrial partners will support the student in understanding the continuous casting process.
Project timeline
The project is intended for a master thesis (30hp), but a shorter project such as a bachelor thesis or internship could also be considered. The start date is January 2024 or sooner.
Further information
This project is intended to be performed at Swerim in Luleå.
Swerim rewards the student with 50 000 SEK for an approved master thesis (30hp).
You are welcome to contact Jill Sundberg (jill.sundberg@swerim.se) or Dan Sandström (dan.sandstrom@swerim.se) if you have any questions about the project.
Apply by using the application function below. The application can be written in English or Swedish. Latest date for application is 31 October. You will receive a confirmation that Swerim has received your application. Please note that we fill the position as soon as we find a suitable applicant, which means we can fill the position before the deadline. The work should be initiated during the beginning of 2024 or sooner.
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