We want to be more! The research institute Swerim conducts needs-based industrial research and development concerning metals and their route from raw material to finished product. Swerim has 200 co-workers in two locations in Sweden - Luleå and Stockholm. Our vision is a fossil-free and circular industry.
Master thesis: Moisture analysis and mitigation for powder metallurgy industry
1 Place
With the ever-increasing demand on component performance, better methods to analyze and mitigate moisture in metal powders are needed. Moisture adsorbs to all surfaces but it is especially important in powder metallurgy due to the high surface area available on the small particles. Moisture affects the flowability and spreadability of the powder in additive manufacturing processes which worsens the quality of the end product. Powder properties can be affected even after it has been dried by creating oxides or by a “memory effect” [1].
Project description
This project will focus on:
- Methodology development regarding best-practice for powder handling and storage.
- Evaluating and testing products for moisture analysis available on the market relevant for industry use.
- Survey and test innovative ways to prevent or shield moisture pick-up on metal powders.
The project will be followed by many of the companies in the strong Swedish powder metallurgy industry within the Swerim-led research consortium of powder metallurgy. Many of these companies will closely follow the progress and results of this project as it is of high relevance for their industry.

Figure 1. Gas atomised powder manufactured at Swerim (left). Sampling lance to take representative powder samples (right).
Required qualifications
Student in material science, chemistry engineering, or similar fields. Any experience or prior knowledge about metal powder, laboratory work or working in an industry and/or research environment will be considered as an advantage.
Further information
Swerim rewards the student with 50 000 SEK for an approved master thesis (30hp).
The work will be initiated at the beginning of 2024.
For further information about project, please contact:
Emil Strandh, emil.strandh@swerim.se
Apply by using the application function below by December 14, 2023. Please note that we fill the thesis as soon as we find a suitable applicant, which means we can fill the position before the deadline. You will receive a confirmation that Swerim has received your application. The work should be initiated during the beginning of 2024.
[1] Marchetti, L., P. Mellin, and C.N. Hulme, Negative impact of humidity on the flowability of steel powders. Particulate Science and Technology, 2021.
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