Swerim AB

The research institute Swerim provides applied research within mining engineering, process metallurgy and materials and manufacturing engineering, mainly for the mining, steel and metals industry. Swerim has 190 co-workers in two locations in Sweden - Luleå and Stockholm.

Master thesis: Understanding the hydrogen-metal interactions and embrittlement during cathodic and/or hydrogen gas charging

1 Place

Hydrogen gas (H2) is a hot topic. Every day, H2 is attracting larger and more attention in the society due to its high potential to be used as future green fuel and achieve the goal for lowering the CO2 emissions. The transition to hydrogen-based fossil free society would require hydrogen gas production, storage, and its transportation. To accomplish this it would be required to use infrastructures (vessels, pipes etc.) from metals that are not susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement. Hydrogen embrittlement is known phenomenon that negatively affects important mechanical properties of metallic materials. Commonly in literature it is referred as responsible for causing sudden failure of metallic components at stresses way below their yield strength. In general, the hydrogen embrittlement to occur three critical factors needs to be fulfilled: 1) sensitive material, 2) imposed stress and 3) environment acting as hydrogen source.

Although the hydrogen embrittlement of metals is for long time familiar to material scientists/engineers the understanding of the hydrogen gas-metal interaction is yet limited. One of the most important aspects is how to qualify different metals to be used in certain hydrogen gas applications. Mechanical degradation tests such as tensile testing, constant load, slow strain rate testing, three- and four-point bend testing are commonly used to qualify metals materials for certain application where there might be risk for hydrogen embrittlement. There are methods that can be employed to test metals in hydrogen gas environment, but these methods involve high hydrogen gas pressures and elevated temperatures as well as the corresponding risks. On the other hand, there are existing conventional methods that employ hydrogen charging in the metals by imposing cathodic currents in electrolyte such as slow strain rate testing. These methods are simpler to use and almost without safety risks. Hence, it is aimed to replace the hydrogen gas charging method with cathodic charging, which is conducted at ambient pressure. However, it is unsure whether cathodic charging can create similar amounts and a comparable distribution of hydrogen in the charged material and how the properties of the material will be affected.

In your thesis, you will try to determine and understand the correlation between hydrogen uptake through electrochemical processes and hydrogen uptake through gas charging for steel materials in both theory and practice. The work includes amongst others charging operations using different process parameters, running slow strain rate testing, quantification of hydrogen in the steels, metallography and fractography and evaluation of the results.

The thesis work will be performed at Swerim AB in Stockholm in cooperation with several companies. Representatives from participating companies will have an active interest in the work and will contribute with research questions relevant to their activities.
Objectives and learning outcome

  • Literature survey including review of the cathodic and gas charging methods and process parameters

  • Understanding the mechanisms of hydrogen charging in steel materials depending on the method of charging
  • Linking mechanical properties and measured hydrogen contents to certain charging method and used charging settings
Required qualifications
Student in material science, physics, engineering, electrochemistry, or similar fields with a good knowledge in metallic materials and/or electrochemistry. Any experience or prior knowledge about hydrogen embrittlement or charging methods will be considered as an advantage.  

The work should be initiated during the beginning of 2023. The master student performing the work will gain a large industry network. Swerim rewards the student with 50 000 SEK for an approved master thesis (30hp).  
For further information about project, please contact: 
Birhan Sefer, birhan.sefer@swerim.se,
Nuria Fuertes, nuria.fuertes@swerim.se, or
Markus Uhlirsch, markus.uhlirsch@swerim.se

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