Swerim AB

The research institute Swerim provides applied research within mining engineering, process metallurgy and materials and manufacturing engineering, mainly for the mining, steel and metals industry. Swerim has 190 co-workers in two locations in Sweden - Luleå and Stockholm.

Master thesis: Joining of difficult material combinations

1 plats

The automotive industry is currently facing the challenge of accomplishing decreased product weight, to reduce environmental impact, especially when implementing heavy batteries in electrical vehicles. However, it is of great importance to still provide vehicles with high collision safety. A crucial part of achieving a reduction in product weight is to enable use of the most optimal multi-material combination in the design. Multi-material designs are, however, often limited by production and joining issues. The master thesis work is part of an on-going project with an international consortium consisting of companies from the entire production chain. The main focus of the project is to investigate methodologies and strategies for joining of difficult material combinations.
The master thesis will consist of both theoretical and practical analysis of joinability of hard-to-join material combinations, including a variety of ultra-high strength steel to both cast and extruded aluminium. A literature study consisting of previous work and State-of-the-Art will be included. The joining trials will take place in the joining lab at Swerim and the joints will be evaluated both metallographically by for example cross-section analysis and by mechanical testing. The goal is to examine the possibilities and limitations of joining processes aimed at enabling multi-material designs in the automotive business.
The master thesis work will be performed at Swerim AB in Kista, and includes working with the latest equipment for the automotive industry. The work should be initiated during October or November 2021. The master student performing the work will gain a large industry network, both nationally, but also internationally. Swerim rewards the student with 50 000 SEK for an approved master thesis (30hp).  
Your profile 
We are looking for someone currently studying the final year of a master’s degree in engineering. Suitable engineering fields include material science, mechanical engineering, vehicle engineering or similar. You should be able to take initiative, have an analytical mindset and communicate well in English. Knowledge of joining and welding is meritorious.

For further information about the master study, please contact: 
Klara Trydell, klara.trydell@swerim.se, +46 (0)73 039 79 28
Karl Fahlström, karl.fahlstrom@swerim.se


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